Donate to GNCH
Good Neighbors Capitol Hill relies on the generosity of individuals and institutions. Donated furniture, kitchen supplies, bedding and other items significantly reduce costs but it is still necessary to purchase groceries, cleaning supplies, toiletries, mattress pads, pillows and other household goods which are not usually donated. We also receive emergency requests from refugee families for medical needs, scholarships, training programs, citizenship applications, and food (especially during the COVID pandemic.)
Donations to Good Neighbors Capitol Hill can be made in two ways:
1. Write a check to Lutheran Church of the Reformation (our 501c3 financial sponsor) and write GNCH-Refugee on the notation line. Checks can be mailed to: Good Neighbors Capitol HIll, 212 East Capitol Street NE, Washington, DC 20003
2. Make Online donations below on the the Giving Portal of the Lutheran Church of the Reformation. Scroll down to Good Neighbors Capitol Hill. Designate the amount you are giving and your credit card details. Please choose a One Time Donation or a Weekly or Monthly Donation. All monies will be given directly to Good Neighbors Capitol Hill
Thank you for your generosity in supporting our work.