Getting Involved

Kitchen Team
Kitchen Team from Capitol Hill Presbyterian Church delivers full kitchen supplies for a new family.
Food Delivery for 2-week supply
A volunteer from Hill Havurah delivers a two week supply of fresh food for new arrivals.
Moving Team
A volunteer from Lutheran Church of the Reformation unpacks furnishings.
Moving Team
The Furnishing Team from Lutheran Church of the Reformation are pleased with another new home. 

We have a


A commitment to refugee resettlement has a long history in the DMV area.  Lutheran Social Services of the National Capitol Area has participated in the resettlement of refugees for many years as one of three agencies in our region which share this responsibility.  GNCH is an implementing partner to LSS along with many other community groups.

These conversations with volunteers provide a vision for this activism.

Become A Volunteer

We invite you to join Good Neighbors Capitol Hill in welcoming new arrivals to the DMV area. Participate with us in a way which fits your availability, interest and skills. If you are ready to participate or just curious and want more information, fill out the form below and one of our team leaders will contact you for more conversation about our work and your interests.

Become A Donor

Good Neighbors Capitol Hill relies on the generosity of individuals and institutions which enable us to provide fully furnished apartments for newly arriving refugee and immigrant families and asylum seekers. Donated furniture, kitchen supplies, bedding and other items are beautifully recycled to create a home at minimal cost, but it is still necessary to purchase groceries, cleaning supplies, toiletries, mattress pads, pillows and other household goods which are not usually donated. 

Additionally we receive emergency requests from refugee families for medical needs, scholarships, training programs, citizenship applications, and food (especially during the COVID pandemic.)

Donations to Good Neighbors Capitol Hill can be made in two ways:

Write a check to Lutheran Church of the Reformation (our 501c3 fiduciary agent) and indicate for GNCH-Refugee in the lower left corner.  Checks can be mailed to: Good Neighbors Capitol HIll, c/o Lutheran Church of the Reformation, 212 East Capitol Street NE, Washington, DC 20003

Online donations can be made by credit card. Click on the Donate button.  You will automatically open the Giving Portal of the Lutheran Church of the Reformation. Scroll down to Refugee Resettlement.  Designate the amount you would like to give and your credit card details.  The LCOR Giving Portal allows you to choose to make a One Time Donation or a Weekly or Monthly Donation.  All monies will be given directly to Good Neighbors Capitol Hill

We thank you for your generosity in supporting our work.


Good Neighbors Capitol Hill
212 East Capitol St., NE
Washington, DC
